Our Lady Queen of Peace
CCD Classes begin Sunday, Sept. 9, at 9:30 a.m.; students meet in the Church and parents meet in the Hall. Click here for 2012-2013 Schedule.

CCD Registration is ongoing. Forms may be found in back of the Church or call the parish office.

Teacher Aide volunteers are needed.  Please call the parish office.

2013 Confirmation Class will gratefully collect your clean empty deposit bottles and cans before and after all weekend Masses in front of the parish garage during the months of August & September.  All money raised will be given to our Bread of Life Food Pantry. Call Lia @369-8310 with questions.

Also, this year we are focusing on the Saints. Our hope is that our youth will become inspired to follow the examples set forth by the Saints. For more information about the Saints go to EWTN's Saints Page.