Church History

The Catholics of Bridgman and Baroda were given permission to form a Mission Church in the fall of 1939. The services were held in November with 129 people in attendance. The congregation met after services to suggest names for the new church. The name, Our Lady Queen of Peace, was selected and approved on December 7, 1939.


Services were held in the Odd Fellows' Hall in Bridgman until plans could be made and funds raised to build a new church. In January 1947 the decision was made to build the church on property west of the Bridgman Elementary School on Lake Street. The construction of a 29' X 60 block building, faced with brick, began in November 1947 and was completed in 1948. The building served the people for the next twenty years.

Additional property was purchased on April 7, 1954 and on March 4, 1958, bringing the total property by the church to approximately 10.5 acres. The Last purchase occurred in 1973, when the home west of the church was acquired to be used for religious education classes.

Several additions to the original church have been completed over the last 60 years, the first being in June of 1969. A 36' X 60 brick veneer addition was added to the east side of the existing building. In June of 1982, the church began another expansion.  A 46' X 70' Community and Education Hall was added to the west side of the Church. The Sanctuary was reconstructed and the altar was moved to the east side of the Church and the basement was divided into classrooms.

In September 1977, Our Lady Queen of Peace Mission Church became a parish church and Fr. Marvin Tellers was appointed our first resident pastor. The home purchased for a religious education center was completely renovated and became the rectory. 

Fr. Raymond Barth  served as Pastor from  1991 to his retirement in 2006.   Fr. John Peter Ambrose served as parish administrator until Fr. German Perez-Diaz was named pastor on 12-20-2006.  Rev. Arthur Howard was appointed as Pastor in August of 2010 and continues to faithfully serve the people of this parish.  

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